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September 26, 2007


Today, this pastor hacked into my registrar account and changed the ownership info for my account to him--his name, his address, his email-- changed my registrar account password, and changed ownership info for the domains he's been demanding I give up to him (see post below).

A pastor. A "Christian."

Unbelieveable. I've changed everything back and the registrar is going after him now for fraud.



Goodness. So he didn't know the pass beforehand? Is there any way to put ice on this before it escalates more?

Short of the pastor coming after Priest with a weapon, it's hard to escalate more. Fraud is pretty serious, and it's the company's charge to press at this point. And, frankly, if the guy was good enough to hack without leaving big muddy footprints, he would have built the webstuff himself before Priest even came along.


Well...hack can also just mean "guessed my password and used it to get in" or something low tech like that.

As far as the incident itself...what can I say...welcome to the world of suicide bombers. "I believe I'm unquestionably holy so God must always approve of what I do no matter how unholy those actions seem to be"

There's a reason why Pride is considered the "most deadly" or the seven deadly sins


Words like "Pastor" and "Christian" are only titles one collects. People can be only what they want or allow themselves to be.


This reminds me of clients who think that my workpapers belong to them--before they pay. Their papers belong to them, work I do that is required for their books (depreciation firgures and the like) and the final product belongs to them but only after they pay. And they legally cannot alter my final product.
But a few clients know that I cannot hold on to their papers if they request them even without paying. Code of ethics...sigh
But if it isn't your original books it is mine. There are many people with no sense of ethics. This "pastor" sounds like he fits into this group.

When one does professional services, like you and I, be it for a fee or pro bono, for a person with super-sized ego they think they own the final product and can do what they want with it. Wrong! I may charge by the job but what a client is paying for is my time. Time is valuable so you should not waste it.

Write about this. Use it for a story. Learn and grow from this. I have missed your writting.



So let me get this straight...your former pastor played Pirate, hacked into your account, changed your main password, changed the info for the "parked?" domains, under your account, for the website(s) that he is staking claims to (that were/are STILL pointing to YOUR server anyway, undoubtedly), and expected to get away with this?? Again, Amazing AND DUMB.

How can he expect to get away with just changing the ownership of the domain names, if they are still pointing to YOUR servers where the site is hosted?? This should be very easy to prove and will bode very badly for the culprit, a PASTOR no less. Still, the only thing I can say is...amazing.


"As for you, my sheep, this is what the Almighty LORD says: I will judge disputes between one sheep and another, between rams and male goats.
"Isn't it enough for you to feed on the good pasture? Must you trample the rest of the pasture with your feet? You drink clean water. Must you muddy the rest of the water with your feet?"

Ezekiel 34:17-18
GOD'S WORD Translation

This is essentially correct, except that the domains are no longer pointing to my server, they're pointing to "Under Construction" pages pending some resolution to all of this. As for the rest, I can't say.

The registrar seems to be getting aggressive about this, first forcing me to prove who I was and then, finally, dialing back all the changes this guy made. It is, I am told, in their legal department now.

Oh, and how he got in: my own stupidity. The registrar has fairly weak security on their password recovery feature, a "secret" phrase deal that allows instant re-set of the password. Instead it should have a double-blind email confirmation in addition to, but, ah well. Anyway, my secret questions was, d'huh, "Where were you born?"

So, before I run calling this guy an idiot, I'd better check in the mirror.

Beyond that, I'm deeply saddened by this. He seems fairly obsessed. I mean, just make up another domain name, already. Identity theft is a serious crime, too serious to try and grab an eight-dollar domain name. A domain name, I remind you, that I offered to *give* him, and he said "no." Actually, "no, and you're a thief and you're ugly and..."

Wait... my pastor is Hosun Lee...?

This could explain many things.


So much for not being insular. -_- The 'Waid' like comment from Eileen might just be worth it...

People treat you in the strangest ways. Your like Rodney Dangerfield.


According To Me

This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 26, 2007 4:46 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Juiced In.

The next post in this blog is Breakfast In Jena.

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