For the longest time I thought only a few friends and a certain dog owner bothered to read this blog. Now I’m thinking the shot-callers of the Republican National Convention may be stopping through here as well, looking for guidance from a guy who writes comic books.
Over the weekend, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice attended one of the regular weekly meetings of Americans for Tax Reform, a salon of prominent conservative figures that has never enjoyed the company of a secretary of state before. Absent also from the news are the frequent and ardent denials by Rice that she is in any way interested in the GOP veep nomination.
I’m reasonably sure this is all shill, Rice perhaps doing her mentor George W. a favor by making some noise for John McCain, the presumptive Republican nominee. I regard a McCain-Rice ticket as highly unlikely and the speculation about it all—no doubt orchestrated by the campaign—as smarmy and manipulative, with a huge potential to backfire on the Republicans.
Rice is obviously being used for her major assets—her gender and her race—in an effort to steal some of the thunder (now devolving into boredom) from the Democratic contest. But, those attributes notwithstanding, Rice brings little to the table that a presidential candidate might actually value. She would be of little help to McCain in states with high African American populations, like Rice’s home state of Alabama, as Rice’s negatives (the war, her loyalty to the president) make her a figure of some controversy among many blacks. While her civil rights and academic resumes are impeccable, her service record to this president and, most especially, support of this war are huge negatives for McCain.
I’m fairly certain Rice is just being dangled out there. A McCain-Rice ticket might be the GOP (or Bizarro World) version of the Dream Team, but I doubt McCain’s temperament makes Rice a suitable partner. I also think both versions of the so-called dream team—McCain/Rice or Hillary/Obama—are particularly dreamy. Both versions are unbalanced and cater to the sensational over the practical. Both Hillary and Obama need a southern white guy with unimpeachable credentials to balance their tickets. McCain needs a southern conservative with charisma and a strong pulse, as McCain’s health issues will doubtless become a major campaign issue. If Mike Huckabee wasn’t so obviously the GOP version of Jimmy Carter, he’d be the obvious choice. McCain needs to link up with precisely the kind of hard-right Republican he personally despises (McCain himself is, despite his claims, more of a centrist than a conservative).
Without some tabackie-chomping redneck at his side, I’m fairly certain the GOP faithful will stay home in November and whoever’s left standing in the Democrats’ sandbox will be sworn in—most likely without the other major candidate as the veep. Holding out hope of a Hillary/Obama or, even less likely, Obama/Hillary ticket is just playing to the orchestra. Condi as running mate is just the party trying to manipulate genuine hopes of some magical, earthshaking change in our political system, when holding out that very hope is, in fact, politics as usual.