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May 21, 2008

Now, Where Were We...?

Sorry about that.

Now, where were we? Oh, yeah, Hillary-As-Veep. I wonder, in a normal primary, would WVA or KY even get noticed at *all*? I mean, Oregon?

I was watching Rod Lurie’s fabulous THE CONTENDER, realizing how irrelevant this primary season has made that film.


No, of course not. Heck, when I voted in Texas back in March, it was the first time since I moved here that my presidential primary vote made a bit of difference.

Welcome back to the web! :)


Love your website Chris ! it's very informative of the backstage drama going on in the comics world.


Strange that the 'system' doesn't work, even when participation takes place. If by "normal primary" you mean the old, crusty, expected to run choices, I am so glad this isn't one.


So done with this election...I'm more curious what you thought of the Iron Man movie.


"So done with this election..."

Yes, but is it done with you -_-

Anthony W:

Mr Priest, I would like to apologize to you for something I said once. I was the guy who said "I'm all ghettoed out" in response to the announcement.

I am so sorry I said that.

Anthony W:

Whoops. I meant to say "in response to the news that you would be working on the Crew"


Happy birthday, Priest!

Jp Pollard:

Long time reader here, Priest. Just stopping in to remid you it is now July 21st. Everyone knows the longer you go without posting the harder it is to start again. Just throw us a bone, sir!

PS- Any word on the possible comic work you teased us with a couple months back?

Nice work James O.

Bob Kirnum PS-221

Thomas Wilde:

Hey Priest,

I found myself rereading your Black Panther run this past week, and it stands up well.

Figured I'd drop you a line to compliment you on it. Better late than never, right?

Pauly T.:

New picture? Could it be? He LIVES!


According To Me

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