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September 10, 2008

One For Obama


Dave Van Domelen:

Is it totally wrong that I want to do a screencap from around the 3 minute mark and LOLcat it with "THIS R SERIOUS DEBATE"? ;)


You know, months ago, during the primary debates, when someone asked about Obama not wearing a flag pin or whatever the nonsense of the day was, I said, "I sure wish he could just say, 'Are you fucking kidding me?'"

That's basically what he did here. Good to see it.

There's a scene in one of Asimov's Foundation prequels where, if I recall it correctly, the President is up for reelection and there's a rumor going around that he's a robot. When someone in the press asks him if the allegations are true, he simply laughs, and locks up the nomination. (Not a perfect analogy as he actually IS a robot, but there's definitely something to be said for shrugging off absurd stories with a laugh and getting back to what's important.)

Amusingly, lines from this speech (like "These are serious times") are almost lifted from "The American President" movie. Which is what liberals like me have been yearning for in a candidate for years :-)


It's probably not enough. The Politics of Fear, especially fear of The Other, are too strong.


2 For Obama



According To Me

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