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September 26, 2008

Thanks Dave

Y'know, Wednesday's anti-McCain Letterman show was maybe the funniest Letterman has been in a long, long while. Seems when Dave gets pissed, as he was before the show started and as he *visibly* became even more so upon discovering McCain was down the street, he just dumps the queue cards and his killer comedic instincts take over. Ironically, the show reminded me how good Letterman *used* to be back when he used to invade NBC's NY affiliate, "Live At Five," walking right on-set with a camera crew, back when Letterman used to tape at Rockefeller Center ("Live At Five" started locking the doors, then actually posted security to keep Dave out, so Dave broadcasted from the hallway, pining for Sue Simmons, "Sue! Suuuuuue!!").

So far as I can tell, Dave's been coasting for a long time, now. Still amusing, but not nearly what I'd call "funny." Wednesday was really funny. And despite CBS News execs going public with their displeasure, the fact is, now more than ever, America could use a good laugh. We sure got one Wednesday.

By the by, if CBS News was *really* all that outraged, the Letterman show could have been cut to exclude the footage, or NBC could have not run the show at all.

I've got the entire show on DVD. It's a keeper.


Dave Van Domelen:

Oh, if CBS had cut the footage, you KNOW it would have ended up on Countdown in some form. :) And then it would have been CBS joining McCain in looking like tools.

Jeff Metzner:

Obviously, CBS always has the choice whether to air the show or not but I wonder if their deal with Letterman allows them to make edits without his consent.


According To Me

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