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September 2, 2008

Zoned Out

Well, ZoneAlarm just stopped working. Again. It did this last week of June when MI$ updated XP again, breaking ZA. I did not notice any updates last night, but ZA is busted and I've no wasted almost three hours trying to find a work-around.

Bill Gates is the devil. Every time MI$ updates something, all havoc breaks loose. And now, even though I've stopped ZA (after going through many, many trying iterations), bits and pieces of it are still running, blocking access to the net. Now, I can launch IE, connect with IE, but wait a few minutes and this block comes on, no more connection. Have to reboot.

People are starting to post on ZA's boards. I suppose I'll need to uninstall the thing, but I'm waiting to see if anybody has a friggin' clue what's wrong THIS time...

Or maybe this is a bug I picked up someplace...?




or it's the annoying thick skin building exercise of reformatting. fun all around...


Priest, as a heads up, your RSS feed over at livejournal.com isn't working ( http://syndicated.livejournal.com/chrstphr_priest/profile ), for some reason or anoter.

Circ: I finally managed to uninstall ZA. I'll see what they have to say-- I really like the product, but it cost me four hours I just didn't have. Makes it a fairly expensive product.

Y'know, I really know very little about how any of this works. I'm surprised I even *have* an RSS feed. If it wasn't for nosy, childish, pain in the butt neighbors, I'd never know.

I'll try and get into it soon as one of the other 300 things I'm doing allow me! Thanks!

Wait-- looks like the site URL is wrong. I didn’t actually set this up in Live Journal-- so I don’t know how to correct this. The correct address is:


I've contacted technical support, but since I'm not the user who set this up, I don’t know if they can change it.


I guess tech support got your message. The address was updated and the feed works now.

Nuts... Live Journal, apparently, is home to the spammers. Getting *slammed* with spam. I'm afraid the spam may crash the site or get me hollered at by the webhost, so I may need to enable authentication or move the site again.

The authentication thing seems rather hit-or-miss, so I'm trying a couple other things before I reinstate that. But 117 bogus posts in the space of ten minutes... no good.

*sigh* What's the point of these gibberish spam posts anyway? They have no links, it's all gibber.


Oh, damn... I'm sorry about that.

...at least now you know where it's coming from...?

Seriously, though, I had no idea.

Neither did I. Don't sweat it.

Has To Approve His Own Comments

As an LJ user - and I tried to get at least one working feed of your blog going over there not so long ago, which seems to be working, albeit fitfully right now - I'm a little appalled at this news.

Yeah-- I got clobbered but good. I'm stil tinkering with permissions and adding you guys' IP addys to a whitelist as we go so only new people will be seriously inconvenienced.

I found the login TypeKey thing really flakey and irritated a lot of people. I'd like to avoid resorting to that.

Be patient as I throw things at the wall to see what sticks...

Understood on all points.

A bit of a sidebar: some of us are going to be making regular use of wi-fi provided by our favourite public library branches, eateries, coffee/tea houses, pubs and so forth. Would that complicate things on your end?


I used to use ZA, but it's bloated Sysmantec-like now. Might be time to look for another prog...

And... you'd recommend...?


According To Me

This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 2, 2008 7:17 AM.

The previous post in this blog was MacInbush.

The next post in this blog is Lies, Lies, Damn Lies.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.
