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October 15, 2008

7 AM

Reasons Priest won’t ever live in New York again: Morning in Colorado.

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That is one heck of view.

Matt Adler:

Kinda makes you understand why call these places "God's country"...

Pauly T.:




But I'm Putnam Valley (Putnam County) and we have some sights like that... We're not all in the city.

That's not really a great view. That road goes on for about 40 miles to Pueblo. I was trying to find a shot of a long stretch of it. But, yeah, you get out in darkness and chase the sunrise out into the middle of nowhere. Beware of rabbits crossing the road, though.

I grew up in NYC. When I was around eight, my mom sent me to visit my uncles in Kentucky. From that point forward, I'd never wanted to live in a city.

I'd love to build a little house way out there somewhere (I live in a rather normal subdivision not too far from there) and write bad crime novels while shooing bunnies.

Here's Another One

Also, I live, like, six blocks from Fountain Creek National Park, which has miles of hiking trails. Gets a bit creepy at times when you consider you're out there alone w/no one else in site, and there's bears and mountain lions in dem woods.

I was also struck by how we could never have such a thing back in NY or near mostly any Metropolitan city. I mean, the trails would be full of homeless people, gang bangers, hookers turning tricks in the rest areas, etc. There's virtually no park police that I've ever seen. These folks out here are *spoiled.* I mean, back home, there'd be all these gang bangers with off-leash pit bulls.

Matt Adler:

"I was also struck by how we could never have such a thing back in NY or near mostly any Metropolitan city. I mean, the trails would be full of homeless people, gang bangers, hookers turning tricks in the rest areas, etc. There's virtually no park police that I've ever seen. These folks out here are *spoiled.* I mean, back home, there'd be all these gang bangers with off-leash pit bulls."

Now don't go all John Rocker on us. I still love my city :)

I did, too, until I saw this. BTW: we could also never have anything like this in NY because there's no way NY wouild allow a quarter million acres of wildnerness to go undeveloped. There'd be million-dollar condos all over this place.

You really can get lost in the park--lost in incredible natural beauty. Lovely and creepy at the same time: not a lot of maps or trail markers. Rotsa Ruck, City Boy.


"there's no way NY wouild allow a quarter million acres of wildnerness to go undeveloped. There'd be million-dollar condos all over this place"

Well, Condos aren't the thing in Colorado. We're all about TRACK HOUSES!


According To Me

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